"It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all." - Laura Ingalls Wilder

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Miracle of Friendship and Meager Beginnings...

Good Afternoon!  My current readers know that I have started a series on how, through miracles, God provided for my family during the difficult years of 2007-2009.  If this is your first time visiting, please go back and read the previous posts to catch up on all of our background information.  :)

I had planned to share a different miracle for this "Part 4" post in the series, but the Lord has led me to share this instead.  

In upcoming "Part 5", our lives turn a page with a big move, and God's miraculous provision will leave you in awe.  Before turning that page, however, I felt the need to share about the miracle of friendship, as well as something else God did for us before leaving Illinois.

I want you to know, that although I was blessed by God's provision for our family, I was still a train wreck.  My mental and physical health were deteriorating.  The stress was causing a strain on my marriage.  My children were hurting.  Most days I was crying.  I was depressed and desperate.  Life had not been easy - even way before 2007.  I ended up needing to get a prescription for sleeping pills and an anti-depressant.

But I must tell you...looking back, I would not trade that time for anything.  In prayer last week, the Lord spoke these words to me:  "A Father gives good gifts to His children.  Often, it is the most difficult times in life that are the best gifts of all."

This is so true.  I have found that the most intimate times with my Father and growth in my spiritual life have been when walking through suffering, tragedy, hardships, and grieving.

I believe that fellowship with the brethren, the friendships knit in Christ, are truly a miracle.  The blog pic for today reads, "Friendship - a blessing of connection for a season, a reason, or a lifetime."  God knows exactly what we need at all times, which includes putting the exact people we need in our lives at the perfect time and for the perfect length of time.  He did that for me.

Without the friendships, prayer, and encouragement of the saints, I would not have made it through the difficult times in life.  God has given His children a family - a beautiful family - a family that lives together sharing each other's cares and burdens; giving to those who have need; lifting up each other's arms when we are weak.

The Scripture says, "This is my commandment that you love one another, that your joy may be full." - John 15 (paraphrased) and "Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity." - Psalm 133:1

I am grateful to have so many true friends that have loved me through the good times and the hard times; forgiven me much when I was very prideful; put up with me when I whined and complained; encouraged me when I thought I had lost all hope. 

We must never forget that our brethren, the Bride of Christ, is indeed a miracle never to be taken for granted.

As I said earlier, the next blog will tell about our leaving Illinois.  I would like to acknowledge some dear friends that made a huge impact in my life when I became a believer in Christ in 1994 all the way up to our leaving Illinois in 2009.  After that, I want to share one thing more that God did in the area of providing - something so little that became something so sweet.

Thank you:

New Horizon Christian Church, Heyworth, for showing me what a loving/caring family looks like.

Sandy Presley, for all of our walks/talks/memories and for modeling and showing me how to love my children well.

Phil and Stacie, for showing us how to be good neighbors.

Corry and Stephanie Ijams, for showing us what generous giving and helping others looks like even when you were in need yourselves.

El Paso Boy Scout Troop, for all of the fond memories and pouring into our boys - and the yummy pork chops. :)

Teresa Davis, for teaching me about hospitality, for always speaking truth and encouragement to me, and being a devoted friend.

Ladies of the Discipling Women Group, for the sweetest time of fellowship on Wednesday mornings, where I learned about freedom in worship, intercessory prayer, and where the Word of God was alive and active.

My Bloomington/Normal Homeschool Group, for all of the women who helped me get started homeschooling and encouraged Godly marriages and families.

The Mom's Night Out Group, for such spirited conversations and debates.  We were a bold, feisty, outgoing group of gals.  (I miss this group a lot!)

Maureen Barnes, for your bravery to speak boldly, for showing me what a servant looks like, and for always loving my family and encouraging me with Brooklynne.

Jim/Cheryl Wacker and Justine Hodel, for your generous giving to our family in time of need.

Lonnie Ulrich, for giving me the "homesteading bug", but more importantly for showing me what it looks like to walk in grace, optimism, meekness, gentleness, and humility, giving thanks in all things.

*And I want to thank the older generation of folks that taught me the importance of loving the elderly:  Larry and Martha Bell, Ken and Millie Simons, Russel and Betty Kreig, Merle and Fern Simpkins, Jim and Gin Cates.

Now...there are so many more ways that God provided for us, but I want to share one more in particular.

When we moved to the country rental house, we had a big kitchen and a dining room.  I only had one table that we had bought when our oldest was two years old.  22 years later, we still have that table.  Anyhow, the kitchen and dining room were not right next to each other, and I thought it would be more convenient to have a table in the kitchen.  Of course we could not afford one.

Also at this time, Goodwill had become our best friend.  If we needed something, we would always pray before leaving, that Goodwill would have it - be it a belt for Bailee, shoes for the boys, or a toy for a gift.

So one day we headed out to Goodwill.  After getting into the store, we noticed a table for sale.  It was very large.  It was $30.  It was nothing special at all and had no matching chairs.  But I loved it.  The fact that I loved it showed that God had been working in my heart.  If you remember, we used to be ones to "keep up with the Jones's" wanting everything to look nice.  No more of that.  We had become practical and thankful for just having our needs met. 

I asked my husband if we could please get the table and he said yes!  We loaded it in our truck, along with a few old chairs we had found as well and headed home.  I thought my table and mismatched chairs looked lovely.

Now, at this time, I was trying to save money, and decided that it may be cheaper to bake my own cookies, which I had never done, by the way.  We were faithful Aldi shoppers.  We used to buy Chip's Ahoy chocolate chip cookies, but I saw a bag of chocolate chips with a recipe on the back for cookies and decided I would give it a try.  If you have ever had my chocolate chip cookies, you know they were a hit!  My children loved eating those cookies and they loved helping make them as well.  We would all meet at the kitchen table to make cookies several times a week for our friends that would come over to visit.

So that $30 table from Goodwill became the table that started my chocolate chip cookie ministry.  Friends pretty much know that if you come to my house, there will be yummy, gooey, chocolate chip cookies to eat.  Many a conversation has taken place while enjoying my baked cookies.  Some conversations included laughter, tears, story telling, prayer...but always love.

A $30 table and homemade cookies...who woulda thought???

Never despise meager beginnings.  :)

Have a great week, folks!   

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