"It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all." - Laura Ingalls Wilder

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Same Prayer - Lots of Tears

God, he is yours and just on loan to me...Your will be done.

My second oldest son is graduating today.  Made it through graduation practice last night with no tears.  No such luck this morning.  I am a mess, and am not going to fare well.  Graduation at 2 pm and my eyes are already swollen.

I will be saying goodbye to him today.  A very difficult goodbye for a mama's heart to endure.  It may be a long time before I see him again, as the drive is too long.

I am proud of the Godly, young man he has become.  May God use him mightily, that my son, through Christ, may change the world for the sake of the Gospel. 

I love you, Son!  Always remember, "God made you special, very special indeed!"

*No one warned me of this part of parenting.   It is worth it.  I have been blessed beyond all the imaginations my thoughts could have taken me.