"It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all." - Laura Ingalls Wilder

Friday, January 8, 2016

"Come and See What God Will Do!"

I am so excited!  Today I am going to start blogging a series regarding how God provides for our needs during those financially-strapped times when the budget falls way short.  I will be using miraculous examples of how God provided the big and the little things for our family during the years 2007-2009. 

As I mentioned in my previous two posts, God is showing me how to be thankful in all things and live life free from the woulda, coulda, shoulda's of yesterday.  This has caused me to look back at a difficult time in life and see that God was truly with us.

Let me give you some background, before I share the first miracle.  In 2006, we started the process to adopt Brooklynne.  Up to that point, we had fallen prey to "Keeping up with the Jones's".  My husband had a good job, making good money.  We started buying "things".  You know - décor, furniture, "toys", clothes, cars...  My husband's boss (who was an amazing man by the way) ended up selling his auto dealership, in the middle of our adoption process.  After that, everything went downhill fast.  My husband had to find a new job, as the new owner was looking to rid employees who made too much money.  He found a job, but we took a $30,000 paycut.  We went from $80,000 to $52,000 a year - with no time to prepare.  I do not work outside the home, as I stay home with the children and homeschool.  At the time, I had all 6 children still at home- the oldest being 15, the youngest just shy of 1 year. 

We had barely enough to pay the bills, as we had lived as though we would always have an $80,000 income, not saving a penny.  Groceries and gas were expensive for our large family.  We were in the middle of a $40,000 adoption, hoping to raise money and counting on donations, but fell way short, and it was put on a credit card.  We were charging everything from birthday/Christmas gifts, to eating out, to cash advances to pay the bills.  *Note - we had excellent, spotless credit, never late on one payment...ever.  Long story short - we got into so much credit card debt, and no way out (according to the credit counselor), we knew bankruptcy was in our future. 

However, we had to hold off until the adoption was complete, otherwise we would have lost the opportunity to adopt Brooklynne.  We decided to let our house go and found a rental instead.  We did find a home in the country on some acres in a little town 20 minutes away.  Brooklynne came home December 2006. and a few short months later, we started the bankruptcy process - still having spotless credit.  Now, we had no credit at all.  No credit cards.  Cash on the barrel only.  We had never lived that way before.

Now let me say this:  I know we sinned greatly with the money God had blessed us with.  I am not proud of having to file bankruptcy.  But I am being honest with you, as I am sure many folks are in the same situation.  I want to encourage you today.  I am thankful for that time, because God showed us that He does indeed provide.

Now that the much needed information has been shared, let's move on to the best part!

I was homeschooling all children but the oldest.  I had put him into high school when we adopted Brooklynne, as I was overwhelmed at the time.  For school, we were studying Geography by reading books about missionaries.  We started reading about George Muller, 1805-1898.  If you have not read about him, go get the book right away.  Wow!  Let me give you a quote off the back of the book:

"With scarcely enough food or money for his own family, George Muller opened his heart and home.  Sustained by God's provision, the Muller house "Breakfast Club" of the thirty orphans grew to five large houses that ultimately over ten-thousand children would call home.  George Muller trusted God with a depth rarely seen.  His faith and generosity set a standard for Christians of all generations."

Note that Muller never shared his needs with others.  He prayed to God alone.  I found myself crying everyday while reading this book to the children.  I was convicted, broken, and inspired all at the same time.

Well, money was very tight.  There was never any extra it seemed.  I was so moved by George Muller's prayer life, I decided that I would do the same and take my prayers to God only, not letting anyone know the specific need we had.

Before I go on, you need to know that we are a close family.  We do everything together and support everyone's activities.  When someone is having a game, we all go to watch.  That is just what we do.  Well, our oldest son began playing basketball at the high school.  I was so upset because I had no idea how we could pay for everyone to get into the games.  It was so important to me that we go - together- as a family - to support our son.  I decided to take it to God alone, in tears, asking Him to provide something that seems so small to others, but meant so much to us.

Remember...no one knows this need.  A few days later, our neighbor just down the country block, called me mid-morning.  Basketball games had not started yet, just practices.  She had four children about the same ages as some of ours, and our two oldest boys were on the same basketball team.  She said she was going through clothes and found some winter coats that she thought we would like for our girls when they got a little older.  I told her how kind that was of her and thanked her.  She drove up to our home and knocked on the door.  She was not a very talkative person, but indeed, a very kind one.  She gave me the coats.  We talked a couple minutes.  As she got ready to leave, she handed me an envelope.  I asked, "What is this?"

She said, "Do not open it until I leave."


It was truly a miracle!  I had not shared that need with anyone, but God.  It was the first miracle of many we would see those next 2 years.

Oh, God is so faithful.  He knows our needs and desires.  He is good all the time.  I am so thankful for going through those financial struggles, otherwise we would never have experienced the series of miraculous provision.  He forgave our sins and proved Himself loving and forgiving time and time again.

I have goose bumps just remembering.  I hope this blesses you.  I will share one miracle each blog after this to encourage you and me to trust the Lord in all things.

Have a great weekend, Folks!

Tori Lynne