"It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all." - Laura Ingalls Wilder

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Back again, and again, and again....

Well, Hello!  Again!

The picture above describes me perfectly.  I had no idea how to create a blog; accomplished creating a blog; deleted my blog; could not figure out how to UNdelete my blog; created another blog; realized I picked one that had a fee; deleted that blog; finally figured out how to UNdelete my old blog; AND HERE I AM!  Woohoo :-)

So, friends...I will start writing again.  If you want to subscribe to my blog, there should be a spot for that at the end of the page.  I love to receive comments, so do not be afraid to do so.

I have changed the look of my new blog, and I must say I LOVE IT!  It is so calming and refreshing.  I desire to be an encouragement to all my followers and hope to make you laugh from time to time. 

Make sure to share my blog with your friends!

Until my next writing...have a great weekend, folks.  And if you have the same weather forecast as I do...good luck digging yourself out of the snow!

It is good to be back in blog land!

-Tori Lynne