"It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all." - Laura Ingalls Wilder

Friday, August 22, 2014

Here it is!

Here it is!  The best Little House on the Prairie episode ever made :-)  Read the description of the episode below, then I will share why this episode came to mind for a post AND of course, my two cents as well.  Hehehehe!

Season 2: Episode 1

"Hanson's Mill closes when a major customer declares bankruptcy, leaving Lars unable to pay Charles two months of back pay. The Ingalls have a large tab at the mercantile forcing the family into a spirit of cooperation and sacrifice to pay off the bill. On the day Charles presents the funds due, Nels remarked, "Charles, with a family like that, you must be the richest man in Walnut Grove," to which Charles replies, "I know I am."

Last night was our ladies Bible Study at the Coffee House, and our topic was purity.  You can imagine all that we discussed.  Anyhow, one woman pointed out how her husband loves her just the way she is and finds her beautiful even when she comes home dirty from work.  :-)  Of course, this reminded me of a quote off of "The Richest Man in Walnut Grove".  Let me set the stage for you.  As you read above, the Ingalls family is all working together to make money to pay off debt owed to the mercantile.  Charles has two laborious jobs that keep him away from home early morning until late evening.  Caroline is left in charge of plowing the fields.  It is late in the day, and Caroline has lost track of time.  She is dirty, sweaty, hair fallen out of place, and bone tired when Charles arrives home.  He meets her in the field and this is the conversation that transpires:

Charles Ingalls:  Look at you.
Caroline IngallsI must be a sight.
Charles IngallsYou are. Your face is dirty, your hair's all askew, and your still the prettiest woman a man ever set his eyes on. The only thing I regret about being married to you is that I'll never have the joy of asking you to be my wife again.
How romantic is that?!!!!  I love the word "askew" don't you?  I quoted that last night to the women at the group and we all laughed.
My family has watched this episode so many times, that I almost have it memorized.  As a matter of fact, when we were on the farm, and I would get dirty working outside, (oh, how I miss farm life) my husband would say that to me many a time.  It always makes me smile :) 
You know you have a good man, when he compliments you at your dirtiest moment.  And you know it is true love that is the cause.  Isn't it funny the things that we find attractive in our spouses?  LOL!  Do you want me to get a little personal with you?  If you say TMI, too bad.  It is my blog and I can say what I want!  Hehehehehehe!  I told my husband that I found him the most attractive when he was a dirty, sweaty mess, sitting on the tractor in his sleeveless shirt and Carhart pants.  It's true! It is a real turn on.  BLUSH :-)
Which brings me to my "two cents" :-)
Is it not true that we live in a society of instant gratification and give me attitudes?  Now, I  know that is not fact for all of America, but I would say that our country is becoming more characterized by that mentality every day.  When did this happen?  Hard work is good!  And an entire family that works together for the betterment of the family unit is beautiful, simply beautiful!
Here is what you need to do.  Go online to download this episode, or go to your library and check it out.  Season 2; Episode 1 "The Richest Man in Walnut Grove".  Make time to watch it.  It is only 45 minutes long.  When you are done watching, ask yourself how it made you feel about family, hard work, debt, simple living.  Feel free to share your thoughts with me.  I can talk Little House all day long.  HA!
If you live close to me, come on over for a movie night.  I will make my famous chocolate chip cookies for you.  :-)
Have a great weekend, folks!


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I want to ride my bicycle...

Sunday afternoon, I bought a bicycle!  One of the things we were looking forward to about town living was family bike rides.  Everyone else in the family had a bike, except me.  I put off getting one all summer due to the fact that we were so overwhelmed with house remodeling.  It seemed that there was just not enough time to fit a bike ride in.

What is the big deal, you might ask?  Folks, I have not ridden a bike for 10 years!  10 years!!!!  I went for three bike rides on Sunday alone :-)  I will confess...my thighs burned after pedaling three blocks on flat road - that is how out of shape I am.  UGH!  Goodness, I remember riding my bike for miles when I was younger, and my legs didn't hurt one bit.  I am old.  :-(

Are any of my readers fans of the Walton's?  If so, you may remember Season 1; Episode 22 - "The Bicycle".  Here is the description of the episode sandwiched between two quotes from John Boy: 

"Times were hard when I was growing up in the 1930s and many people tried to escape those times by living in other worlds created for them by glossy magazines and the movies. My own family was so close and we were so involved with our everyday lives that we didn't seem to need those dream worlds. So it came as a surprise when one day we discovered our mother had a dream of her own."

Olivia is frustrated by the challenges of running the family and her household duties. She fears that she will be stuck doing dishes and mending clothes instead of singing in the church choir. When John-Boy fails to do an errand for her she makes her way down to Ike's to do it herself. Olivia sees a bicycle for sale and with Ike's prodding she gives it a try. This is just the sort of release and freedom that Olivia needs. The bicycle becomes a symbol of escape from her usual routine. She is offered the lead position in the church choir. 

"My mother never sang in grand opera but her voice never failed to fill our house with a glad song as she went about the job of caring for us all. I can still remember when the hour grew late, I would be writing in my room and she would be working at some chore in the kitchen and her voice would drift upward."

First off, let me say that I am not looking to be in a church choir.  HA!  (However I would love to author a book or be an inspirational speaker for women.)  I do understand how Olivia felt.  I identified with her on Sunday when I rode my bike for the first time - it felt freeing.  I loved the wind blowing in my face while coasting down a hill; enjoyed looking at other homes besides my own.  The fresh air was a delight.  My life can tend to feel mundane at times with my responsibilities of being a stay-at-home mom and homeschooling family.  It is amazing how one little bike ride or walk a day can give me a fresh perspective on life.  I love caring for my family and educating my children.  They are truly a blessing from the Lord.  Sometimes, we just need a reminder :-)  Getting alone with my thoughts, releasing some stress tension, and enjoying the outdoors seems to do just that!

If you can identify with some of those same feelings, get on your bike...alone...and ride like the wind!  :-)

Have a great Tuesday, folks!   


Friday, August 15, 2014

My Psalm...

What a difference a day can make when the enemy wreaks havoc with the mind.  I had a very good day, but one little thing happened early evening, and I let my thoughts get away from me.  My thoughts turned negative and ugly quickly.  I started to write in a notebook, and what was coming out, (in a nutshell) was how worthless I am.  I was crying horribly.  I am not sure how many of my friends know that I fight these thoughts.  But I do - a lot.  I am sure I am not alone.  I think women especially are more prone to feeling this way at times.  I will not share the first half of my writing (very depressing), but I will share the second half with you.  After I had written, "I want to run away so that my family can be happier.  Why don't I?", - God shows up.

The second half of my Psalm:

Because I love my family immensely.  After the dark thoughts fade, Jesus is there.  Calling me back to Him.  Oh, how I fight, but He is too irresistable.  He is the love I hunger for.  He is the message of hope speaking to me when my feelings are ones of defeat.  Christ reminds me of who I am and who I belong to.  I ponder the depth of the love He lavishes upon me when I am so undeserving.  What a Marvelous Light He is; which conquers the darkness that surrounds me and brings me hope yet again to believe that I am of value and worth dying for.  He loves me.  He cares for me.  He sees beauty in me.  He is coming back for me.  I love Him because He first loved me.  I am thankful for the compassion that fails not; the mercies that are new every morning; the grace that abounds; the restoring of my soul.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all of the days of my life, for I shall dwell in the house of my Lord forever. Amen. 

What would we do and where would we be without Jesus, lover of our soul?  Taste and see that the Lord is good.

He loves us well tonight.  For that, I am thankful.  Know that He loves you, too...right where you are at; in the circumstances you are in.  We are going to be okay.  Better than okay.

The Sovereignty of God is a beautiful attribute.  Knowing that He is in control of all things (even the bad times) is a comfort to me.  I would be utterly lost and a complete mess if He were not.

Not only praying for myself tonight but also the readers of this blog - and hoping you will pray for me too.  We are not in this thing called life alone.

Love to you all and have a restful weekend.